
Outside Practice

Private Clinical Practice

Please refer to the details under the Regulations Governing Outside Practice under Staff Handbook, Part B7:

Performing PCP

  • Private clinical practice is conducted on a departmental basis officially under the name of Department Chairmen who, may at their discretion, designate certain members as consultants and manage private clinical practice assignment within the relevant departments.

Getting Paid

  • Upon receipt of the private patients’ fees collected by Hospitals / University, the net amount(s) are credited to the University’s account(s).

  • At the end of each quarter, the balance of the account(s) is divided, at a scale subject to University policy and determined by the Department Chairmen, between the clinical appointee(s) and the Department OP account(s) after 10% and 5% division of income is accrued to the Faculty and the University respectively.

  • The appointee’s portion of OP income is paid to his/her payroll account directly.

Tax Reporting

  • Appointees are responsible to include income derived from Private Clinical Practice in their annual “Salaries Tax Return” (April 1 to March 31 of the following year). The University will include the private clinical practice income (less the amount(s) having been deducted, if applicable) in the employer’s annual return to the Inland Revenue Department.

Non-clinical Outside Practice

Before engaging in an outside practice* (OP) activity, one should ensure compliance to the University’s Regulation Governing Outside Practice under Staff Handbook, Part B7 and B21.

The general steps of engaging in a personal outside practice activity include but are not limited to:

  • Organizers of the programmes/projects (P/P) can submit OP applications via a web-based Integrated Outside Practice Administration System (IOPAS).

  • Relevant authorities vet and approve the applications before commencement of OP.

  • An appointee should act in his/ her own personal capacity when engaging in an OP activity.

  • When the OP commences, P/P submits payment plan on-line

  • The OP payment from the University to appointees will be arranged and made to his/her payroll account directly.

  • Upon completion of OP, P/P is required to declare completion of the activity and final payment will be made accordingly.